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Re: Have LEGO, will travel
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 16:47:01 GMT
1735 times
Louise Belles wrote:
The topic of traveling with LEGOS came up • Larry Pieniazek wrote:.... but I wanted enough to build happily.

But my question REALLY was around, if you had to put together a small "kit" of
parts to keep you amused while you were on an airplane, or overnight on a biz
trip to kill an hour or two, what would you take and how would you keep it
organized (keeping in mind that small for me does not necessarily equal small
for you... I had one 2 gal ziplok, plus an 8437  bought from Macfrugals the
first week I was here, built a chemical tanker and a hopper car (which are at
work now), but felt very hemmed in, possibility wise. Now I have more stuff.

Would you take a treasured set? Or two? Or would you try to outfit a kit? • Would
you stick to your favorite theme? (take pity on me, RR models are BIG compared
to town vehicles! )

Louise writes:  I would take a set or 2 to build, and RR cars travel back
pretty well, on their side in the original tray, which also keeps the pieces
together while building.  But I usually take a good mystery on a business trip,
I cann't remember the last time I had time to read at home.  For long trips I
would even hit the used book store on my first day in town, and then return
them before I left.
      The real question that comes to mind is how do you justify such a habit?
I'm getting raised eyebrows over expanding my tains by one!
Make it a good day.

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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Have LEGO, will travel
(...) I guess it's just a matter of obsession, but not letting it stand in the way of putting food on the table. I work hard, and my employer values that and takes good care of me. Besides, I could be blowing the money in bars or other ways, what (...) (26 years ago, 18-Oct-98, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Have LEGO, will travel
(...) suggested (...) plane (...) Yup, that's what I've been doing. And for what to bring on the drive out here to CO, I opened up two technic shuttles, a bigfoot, two robots, and some other sets, dumped all the parts bags into one big 66 quart bin, (...) (26 years ago, 17-Oct-98, to

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