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Re: New Storage Container
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 00:55:00 GMT
1525 times
QVC has them as well, if you go to and do a search in the
description field  for "roly kit" they show up. They are about $16 to $40
depending on which one you get. I don't know if the 800# on the commercial
has them any less expensive. We use empty diaper wipe containers here, the
kind that are shaped like a lego. Maybe when we're done with the diaper
stage (soon  I hope, my littlest turns 2 in January) we'll go for something
a little more departmentalized.

Thomas Main wrote:

I was watching a movie on TV last night and saw a commercial for a new
type of storage container.  It was unique because it is a bunch of
compartmentalized trays that "roll up" into a type of suitcase.  Of
course, my first thought was - that would be neat for Lego pieces.
Then, they showed an example of using it for Lego!  Once rolled up, they
showed how you could shake and jostle the "suitcase" and then unroll it
and everthing was still in the trays.  It looked a little gimmicky but
might be worth looking into.  Of course, I can't remember the name or
800 on the lookout

Thomas Main

Message is in Reply To:
  New Storage Container
I was watching a movie on TV last night and saw a commercial for a new type of storage container. It was unique because it is a bunch of compartmentalized trays that "roll up" into a type of suitcase. Of course, my first thought was - that would be (...) (26 years ago, 17-Oct-98, to

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