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Re: Have LEGO, will travel
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 01:53:00 GMT
2005 times
Louise Belles writes:
Larry wrote:
Besides, I could be blowing the money in bars or other ways, what else is • there
to do when you're out of town and your free time comes in small slices rather
than big blocks?

A note, the ">" are inserted by the posting software to show what was quoted.
This is done by most software out there, including most newsreaders likely to
be used (for example, Netscape, which I use on RTL), as well as by the web
posting interface that some (including me) use here. You should leave those
alone for lines that you want to quote in your message.

you should NOT put ">" in front of your own words, nor do you need to say
things like

Louise wrote:

because most readers can tell (Note how the first line of this post says that,
the posting software put it there). (1)

Hope I did not offend, I should have added a ;) to let you know it was
intended in a light hearted manner.

No offense taken. I think it was a good question and it's one that I ask myself
a fair bit too.

1 - Just sharing some information, not criticising. It takes a while to figure
this out for some folks. (2)

2 - Further, you don't need to apologise when people share info like this with
you (like you did last time) as we all know that we all were newbies once.
People that are trying to learn as opposed to being deliberately clueless or
lame or cute get a lot of forebearance, most especially here. (3)

3 - which is why I like "here" a lot.


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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Have LEGO, will travel
(...) there (...) intended in a light hearted manner. Good point, one I have used myself after many a trip to the book store. (...) Should we have moved to an off-topic page? Make it a good day. Louise ======== Posted via the LUGNET discussion group (...) (26 years ago, 18-Oct-98, to

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