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Re: Have LEGO, will travel
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 16:39:17 GMT
2022 times
Larry Pieniazek wrote:

But my question REALLY was around, if you had to put together a small
"kit" of
parts to keep you amused while you were on an airplane, or overnight
on a biz
trip to kill an hour or two, what would you take and how would you
keep it
organized (keeping in mind that small for me does not necessarily
equal small
for you... I had one 2 gal ziplok, plus an 8437  bought from
Macfrugals the
first week I was here, built a chemical tanker and a hopper car (which
are at
work now), but felt very hemmed in, possibility wise. Now I have more

This probably runs counter to most of y'all but for filling small
numbers of short times to kill I think that a few bags of rectangular
blocks and some slopes would do.  I like building in two modes.  One is
to see what I can do with plain bricks and the other is to use as many
specialty pieces as is appropriate.  I can amuse myself for hours with
just 2x2 slopes, inverse slopes,  and 2x4s.  OTOH, I certainly do
business travel less than you, and if it were common, I might change my


Christopher Weeks
central Missouri, USA

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Have LEGO, will travel
(...) suggested (...) plane (...) Yup, that's what I've been doing. And for what to bring on the drive out here to CO, I opened up two technic shuttles, a bigfoot, two robots, and some other sets, dumped all the parts bags into one big 66 quart bin, (...) (26 years ago, 17-Oct-98, to

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