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Re: Moonbase Project: Wider Corridors?
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 02:15:46 GMT
533 times
"Tim Courtney" <> wrote in message

Not necessarily.  You can make a modular connector sleeve which • disconnects
from the corridor itself with 1x1 technic bricks.  So, switching out a
standard connector with an adapter would be easy.  Similar to the modular
corridor idea on the Moonbase site, if people want to make their mating
interface modular to allow for adapters, that's cool too.

I like this idea a lot - it does not damage the standard because it is • 100%
adaptable.  And I like the idea of wide corridors :-)

I think it is far far to early to be changing things like the general
corridor concept.  The corridors are one of the main things that (literally)
hold all of this together.  Like Paul and many others have said before I
think we should wait a long time before we change up the basic formula.  If
you want to do this to your module we can't stop you but we're not going to
put any mention of this on the moonbase site.

Sorry guys.


| The Shipyard -
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Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Moonbase Project: Wider Corridors?
(...) I don't think the intent of the new corridor was changing the original formula, but adding new dimmensions to it. (...) It seems to me that this kind of posture limits a lot of creativity. It would be nice to see the moonbase project be the (...) (22 years ago, 19-Aug-02, to
  Re: Moonbase Project: Wider Corridors?
(...) It seems to me that the basic formula worked out in the standard should be a _minimum_ for compliance, rather than a _maximum_ for inclusion. If person X designs a moonbase module that doesn't look and act just like yours, but it does: a) (...) (22 years ago, 19-Aug-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Moonbase Project: Wider Corridors?
(...) Not necessarily. You can make a modular connector sleeve which disconnects from the corridor itself with 1x1 technic bricks. So, switching out a standard connector with an adapter would be easy. Similar to the modular corridor idea on the (...) (22 years ago, 19-Aug-02, to

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