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 Organizations / United States / MichLUG / 379
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Amy's advertising rant
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 21:04:57 GMT
1821 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
Sure, I'd like to see sponsorship links if people pony up
money for them but that's not a big deal either.

The following rant is directed at our brain-dead society, and the advertisers
who think our time and attention are theirs to sell, and not at Larry...

The problem with web advertising is that it doesn't pay well enough to be worth
the bother. Click-through rates for banner advertisements are abysmally low, so
advertisers don't pay diddly. That's why so many dot-coms without a real
business plan, who counted on advertising revenue rather than sales, are going
under. Even the big guys, like Yahoo, are struggling.

How much money is it worth to MichLUG to have tacky banners on our pages that
make the pages take longer to load? Go ahead and put a value on it. Any value
you want. Add to that the cost of getting hosting elsewhere, 'cause I won't
host a site with advertising. Then do the research and see if you can get that
much. If you can get enough advertising money, then go for it.

Why do I hate advertising so much? Why won't I host a site with advertising?
Because there's already too much of it. There's so much of it that it's
becoming a quality-of-life issue. Our society lacks class because we tolerate
so much mindless, tacky *crap*.

I won't insult our visitors by selling their attention for $4 per month, or
whatever paltry sum it amounts to. I'd rather take that much out of my pocket
and keep our site an ad-free zone.


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Amy's advertising rant
(...) <snipped Excellent Advertising "rant" > I don't think it was a rant, rather a good discussion on advertising on websites. I don't want ads on the site either. I think the only thing would be on members pages, or maybe a special links section (...) (23 years ago, 14-Mar-01, to
  Re: Amy's advertising rant
(...) Whoa, whoa... <snip banner ad critique (well placed, BTW)> I wasn't talking about big commercial banner ads. I meant if, say, Scott decided to pay some significant part of the site costs that there ought to be a link back to his commercial (...) (23 years ago, 14-Mar-01, to
  Re: Amy's advertising rant
In, Amy Hughes wrote: <snip awesome anti-advert rant> You go Amy! Especially this part: (...) When I started getting advertising on the envelopes of my monthly bills, I knew the end times were drawing near. Steve (23 years ago, 15-Mar-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MichLUG Meeting Summary - 3/10/2001
(...) <snip> I'm with Scott. While on first read what Amy said may sound harsh to some folks, the reality is whoever does the work should get a lot of the say, so I say let's do it Amy's way, she's offered to manage the whole site which is a lot of (...) (23 years ago, 14-Mar-01, to

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