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 Organizations / United States / MichLUG / 378
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Re: MichLUG Meeting Summary - 3/10/2001
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 20:00:50 GMT
1666 times
In, Scott Sanburn writes:
Amy & All,

I'll have a host next week. But first...


I'm with Scott. While on first read what Amy said may sound harsh to some
folks, the reality is whoever does the work should get a lot of the say, so
I say let's do it Amy's way, she's offered to manage the whole site which is
a lot of work (I have 3 under my wing and the biggest hasn't been touched in
a year now and it shows... it is a lot of work).

As for email, I think it sounds like more hassle than it is worth, so unless
you REALLY want to do it, Amy, I vote against having it at all. I have a
GMLUG email and I don't think I ever use it for anything.

Sure, I'd like to see sponsorship links if people pony up money for them but
that's not a big deal either.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Amy's advertising rant
(...) The following rant is directed at our brain-dead society, and the advertisers who think our time and attention are theirs to sell, and not at Larry... The problem with web advertising is that it doesn't pay well enough to be worth the bother. (...) (23 years ago, 14-Mar-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MichLUG Meeting Summary - 3/10/2001
Amy & All, (...) Cool. (...) Indeed. (...) All right.. (...) That's fine by me. Did you see the North Georgia Train Club layout? That's a nice one. (URL) (...) See above for my suggestions, I think that came out nicely. Clean. I have to find that (...) (23 years ago, 13-Mar-01, to

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