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Re: T3 Board colors & rules
Tue, 29 Nov 2005 13:56:38 GMT
1681 times
On Mon, November 28, 2005 11:17 pm, Bryan Bonahoom wrote:
In, John Brost wrote:

Each robot has a touch sensor that is hooked up to
their competition's RCX.  The touch sensor is pressed to signal the completion
of their turn.  There are other ways of doing it, but this seems to be about the
simplest and most reliable.  This also makes it an easy conversion from robot
vs. robot competition to robot vs. man.

My concern with this approach is that your robot needs to use an output port and
an input port just for communicating with the opponent.  I haven't designed or
considered my solution to the competition, but I might want my ports for other

I think we should consider an alternative method.

Feel free to suggest options.

This method actually only requires one open sensor port.  As John pointed out, that
port can also be used for a touch sensor so a person can play against the robot.  Or
you can use the port for other things, while you're not waiting for the EOT (End of
turn) signal from your opponent.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: T3 Board colors & rules
(...) My concern with this approach is that your robot needs to use an output port and an input port just for communicating with the opponent. I haven't designed or considered my solution to the competition, but I might want my ports for other (...) (18 years ago, 29-Nov-05, to

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