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Subscribe as mailing list– LafLRC: Greater Lafayette LEGO Robotics Club (Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A.)

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  Re: Indiana Jones sets leaked?
(...) No. Indiana is a very powerful state in terms of LEGO use, but we're not (yet!) powerful enough to license our state name. Thanks for asking! (17 years ago, 12-Sep-07, to lugnet.licensed,,,  
  LafLRC meeting
Coming up is the third Sunday of July. So, this Sunday is the regular LafLRC meeting at 3:00, at the regular place. See you there. Steve (17 years ago, 13-Jul-07, to
  Meeting, Sunday 3:00
This Sunday we're going to test out Indy 5.00 or other robots for Brickworld. And, did anyone catch that story on channel 8 on Thursday night: (URL) you Sunday, at the normal place, at 3:00 Steve (17 years ago, 19-May-07, to
  Noooo! Broken LEGO pieces!!!
This rock crawling stuff is getting to be a little rough on LEGO pieces. First there were broken u-joints from my 4wd steering truck (URL) there are deformed friction pins from my latest creation (URL) bent pins were a result of an end-over-end flip (...) (17 years ago, 8-May-07, to

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