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 Organizations / United States / LafLRC / *455 (-5)
  Indy 5.00 @ Brickworld
Usually, in May we run our Indy 5.00 event, but this year we're going to push the date back a few weeks, and run it AFTER the "real" Indy 500. This year, Indy 5.00 is going to be one of the Mindstorms Challenges at Brickworld ((URL) final rules will (...) (17 years ago, 2-Apr-07, to
  Robot Competitions
Last weekend, we took a few robots over to the Central Illinois Robotic Club's annual Bot Brawl. We had a bunch of fun and some pretty good results. But, as usual, they are trying to figure out how to change the rules so this doesn't happen again... (...) (17 years ago, 12-Mar-07, to
  Re: Rock Crawling
(...) Hi My son wanted an "real RC car" so I took the RC buggy body and made a few changes to have a final result. It is a 4x4 truck driven with 2 RC motors, and I adapted the RC steering mechanism for the front drive. It's very large, and quite (...) (17 years ago, 21-Feb-07, to
  Re: RCX controlled GBC train drawbridge
(...) One down side here, is that the "ball-lift" must be shut-off when the bridge is raised, and the controller for the ball lift is on the "bridge" (other) side of the opening. But, along those lines, if there is a bin to catch lose balls, the (...) (17 years ago, 7-Feb-07, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: RCX controlled GBC train drawbridge
(...) Heres a thought. Just have the slope going in the other direction. That way when it lifts, the balls keep rolling the same direction. (Faster and efficient!) If the raising is too bumpy, just find a way to place a third or fourth overhead rail (...) (17 years ago, 7-Feb-07, to lugnet.robotics,

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