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Re: 10179: Ultimate Collector’s Millennium Falcon™
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 23:08:32 GMT
12972 times
Ahh, the old robot arm for the cockpit side window trick. :-)

This plate surfacing technique is much more realistic than my conventional use of plates and slopes (circa 2000), and makes attaching surface detail easier (and reduces the mass and parts count). This style of construction (starting with the ISD) is facilitated by the newer wedge plates with more gradual angles. I’d like to see more official Lego models built this way, and more types of wedge and wing plates.

As for pricing, that’s pretty close to what it would cost you to build a custom model with this parts count.

This is a very impressive model.


ps. The Falcon only had five landing legs when Obi-Wan was a passenger. ;-)

Message is in Reply To:
  10179: Ultimate Collector’s Millennium Falcon™
Hey all, The community team would like to present the new Ultimate Collector's Millennium Falcon. I'm excited to show this off to you all. Below is the official announcement for the set as well as some links to images. I hope you're all as excited (...) (17 years ago, 11-Feb-07, to lugnet.announce,, FTX) !! 

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