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Re: Bowed plates around the engine?
Sun, 11 Feb 2007 22:01:16 GMT
12849 times
In, David Simmons wrote:
   Indeed, it all looks great, except for the plates around the engine. They’re quite bowed. I hope that’s just a sign of hasty assembly.

Even though I probably won’t buy this set because it’s in the new colors, it does look they did a superb job with the proportions and detailing. I hope the words “BIG, stable model” mean that you can swoosh it a little!

You can, but it’s about 15 pounds:

The superstructure is musing Technic beams and pins, so it can be held from the center and moved. The top cannon plate does have to be removed though.

It’s a gorgeous model.


David Simmons

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Bowed plates around the engine?
(...) Hi Joe, Along with (URL) picture> I think I recognize him as the same guy who designed the Death Star II. Am I right? Did you get a chance to talk to him? I'm curious what other LEGO sets he's designed over the years? He's obviously a very (...) (17 years ago, 12-Feb-07, to, FTX)
  Re: Bowed plates around the engine?
In, Joe Meno wrote: It seems Joe did not find time to link more pics from his blog : (URL) Didier (17 years ago, 12-Feb-07, to, FTX)

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  Bowed plates around the engine?
Indeed, it all looks great, except for the plates around the engine. They're quite bowed. I hope that's just a sign of hasty assembly. Even though I probably won't buy this set because it's in the new colors, it does look they did a superb job with (...) (17 years ago, 11-Feb-07, to, FTX)

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