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Bowed plates around the engine?
Sun, 11 Feb 2007 18:45:05 GMT
12520 times
Indeed, it all looks great, except for the plates around the engine. They’re quite bowed. I hope that’s just a sign of hasty assembly.

Even though I probably won’t buy this set because it’s in the new colors, it does look they did a superb job with the proportions and detailing. I hope the words “BIG, stable model” mean that you can swoosh it a little!

David Simmons

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Bowed plates around the engine?
(...) I don't believe they are bowed - it looks like the "roof" is mad of large circular sectors, which when tilted to get the conic shape produce what looks like bowing. ROSCO (17 years ago, 11-Feb-07, to, FTX)
  Re: Bowed plates around the engine?
(...) You can, but it's about 15 pounds: (URL) The superstructure is musing Technic beams and pins, so it can be held from the center and moved. The top cannon plate does have to be removed though. It's a gorgeous model. Joe (...) (17 years ago, 11-Feb-07, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  10179: Ultimate Collector’s Millennium Falcon™
Hey all, The community team would like to present the new Ultimate Collector's Millennium Falcon. I'm excited to show this off to you all. Below is the official announcement for the set as well as some links to images. I hope you're all as excited (...) (17 years ago, 11-Feb-07, to lugnet.announce,, FTX) !! 

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