Re: Release dates
Mon, 28 Feb 2005 06:36:42 GMT
6794 times
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In, Jake McKee wrote:
Dino Attack is a line meant to appeal to North Americans consumers (i.e. NA
kids). Vikings is a line meant to appeal more to European consumers (i.e. EU
kids). We tend to try to release all product lines globally. Sometimes this
works fine, sometimes not so much. The idea here is to create lines that
appeal in a large way to each major region.
Oh we could have a field day with this one.
Guns n Pickups for the gun crazed middle America versus historical playsets
for sensitive Scandinavians?
Dinosaurs co-existing with humans for the creationist New World versus mythical
beasts for the barely Christianised barbarians of the Old World?
Forward looking, modern technology for the freewheeling United States, versus
backward looking swords and wooden boats for the hidebound EU?
Discuss - 1000 words.
But seriously, I have noticed several comments on the modern weapons in Dino
Attack. I guess in North America Lego has to compete with for shelf space with
Mega Bloks, who are definitely not shy about modern weapons, but it makes me
feel a little sad to see that kind of compromise with how I perceived Legos
core values. Sure the enemies are dinosaurs, but still...
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Release dates
| (...) Old Ole Kirk is propably turning around in his grave about these militaria sets. A stab in the back of every idea of childs play on which Lego was founded. Those galidorsaurs are only a very weak coverup for an attempt to cater for a gun- and (...) (20 years ago, 28-Feb-05, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Release dates
| All, Sorry for the delay in getting posting this info. I've been crazy busy lately (when you aren't traveling, people are actually able to get ahold of you!), and still trying to catch up. There has been some question about the releases of Dino (...) (20 years ago, 25-Feb-05, to, lugnet.announce, FTX) !
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