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Re: Release dates
Sun, 27 Feb 2005 19:25:07 GMT
5195 times
   I know that some of you might be dissapointed that one line or the other is not on shelves in your local stores, but hopefully you can understand the importance of getting our feet back under us. We look forward to your help and support in this crucial year.

Thanks for the clear information Jake. While I am upset that I won’t be able to compulsively buy a Viking set everytime I go to the store, I am glad that they will be available via SAH. The Viking line is one of the best, most exciting themes TLG has come out with in recent memory, and I was already planning on buying every set in the series at MSRP, so buying from SAH doesn’t bother me all that much.

I think the core of the split themes is that, culturally speaking, what little European kids want to play with different sorts of things than little American kids. I think this is true - and hopefully this experiment will work. It saves TLG money by not trying to sell items to kids that aren’t really interested in those items.

It is always good to hear the official word on such things, and thanks to Jake for tracking down all the important information and getting it to us in a timely manner!!


Message is in Reply To:
  Release dates
All, Sorry for the delay in getting posting this info. I've been crazy busy lately (when you aren't traveling, people are actually able to get ahold of you!), and still trying to catch up. There has been some question about the releases of Dino (...) (19 years ago, 25-Feb-05, to, lugnet.announce, FTX) ! 

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