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Re: Release dates
Fri, 25 Feb 2005 22:31:15 GMT
5134 times
In, Jake McKee wrote:

Sorry for the delay in getting posting this info. I’ve been crazy busy lately (when you aren’t traveling, people are actually able to get ahold of you!), and still trying to catch up.

There has been some question about the releases of Dino Attack and Vikings.

   super snip<<<<

Thanks for the update Jake.

And, bearing in mind this is a worldwide community, I see no reason why product won’t spread around the world of its own accord.

I’ve certainly done my share of “transporting Lego product across international boundaries” in quantities greater than could be considered reasonable for personal consumption :) And I;ve mailed quite a few packages of stuff too. And people have returned the favour.

So the official targetting of sets to particular geographic areas, which is a strategy I fully understand, can be easily short-circuited by members of the international community for the truely needy.


Message is in Reply To:
  Release dates
All, Sorry for the delay in getting posting this info. I've been crazy busy lately (when you aren't traveling, people are actually able to get ahold of you!), and still trying to catch up. There has been some question about the releases of Dino (...) (19 years ago, 25-Feb-05, to, lugnet.announce, FTX) ! 

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