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 LEGO Company / 3213
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Re: Release dates
Fri, 25 Feb 2005 21:50:10 GMT
5102 times
In, Jake McKee wrote:

   First off, to clarify (and save the need for me to don my fireproof suit), you WILL be able to acquire Vikings in North America this year - just not through retail.

Secondly, I’m sure you’re wondering why we’ve taken this course. Long story short, it’s the right strategy to try, business-wise.

Dino Attack is a line meant to appeal to North Americans consumers (i.e. NA kids). Vikings is a line meant to appeal more to European consumers (i.e. EU kids). We tend to try to release all product lines globally. Sometimes this works fine, sometimes not so much. The idea here is to create lines that appeal in a large way to each major region.

In addition, there is a metric ton of business decisions that went into making this call. I can’t/won’t get into all of them here, but you have to believe that this wasn’t a decision taken lightly or without thought. As the company works to regain its profitable status, we are listening more and more to both customers(i.e. Target, TRU, etc.) and consumers (i.e. kids and AFOLs) about what they’re interested in seeing on shelves.

Perhaps this divided strategy is a terrific idea, perhaps not. But it’s a direction we simply must take in order to see what happens. Again, I won’t argue the business thinking here, there’s simply too many issues that factor into the discussion - many of which I can’t share.

I know that some of you might be dissapointed that one line or the other is not on shelves in your local stores, but hopefully you can understand the importance of getting our feet back under us. We look forward to your help and support in this crucial year.


Thank you for taking the time to post on this issue and clarify some concerns. I am interested in the outcome of this strategy, and, whatever the case, I hope that the Company finds some successes in the year to come. And now I hope you successfully relax a bit before your next trip. ;-)

Down the road--if in any way possible--I (as well as others I’m sure) would like to learn of some of the factors that influenced this decision and how (I know, highly unlikely) the Design Team (is that the proper name?) decided on the D.I.N.O. line as opposed to the purported Alpha Team Dino one or returning to the Adventurers and/or Jurassic Park.

Now, as per your request, if I can offer help in ways other than posting here, showing my MOCs at events, or buying product, please do not hesitate to contact me. From what you wrote about Jorgen and what he and his colleagues have to deal with, I can sympathize but that has not thwarted me from pursuing a dream of being on that side of things. :-)


Andrew P. Saada

Message is in Reply To:
  Release dates
All, Sorry for the delay in getting posting this info. I've been crazy busy lately (when you aren't traveling, people are actually able to get ahold of you!), and still trying to catch up. There has been some question about the releases of Dino (...) (19 years ago, 25-Feb-05, to, lugnet.announce, FTX) ! 

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