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 LEGO Company / 3228
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Re: Release dates
Mon, 28 Feb 2005 08:59:03 GMT
6052 times
Mark Jordan wrote:
But seriously, I have noticed several comments on the modern weapons in Dino
Attack. I guess in North America Lego has to compete with for shelf space with
Mega Bloks, who are definitely not shy about modern weapons, but it makes me
feel a little sad to see that kind of compromise with how I perceived Lego's
core values. Sure the "enemies" are dinosaurs, but still...
Old Ole Kirk is propably turning around in his grave about these
militaria sets. A stab in the back of every idea of childs play on which
Lego was founded.

Those galidorsaurs are only a very weak coverup for an attempt to cater
for a gun- and violence-oriented market.

Whats next? Clikits genital piercing sets? A new "gulf war" series, with
rag-headed iranians as enemies to be run over by Lego tanks?

My, oh, my. Whenever I think Lego reached the bottom line they dig the
hole deeper.

Yours, Christian

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Release dates
(...) The arc was pretty clear from castle to pirates to cowboys to adventurers. Not to mention Star Wars. If I have snipped out your other examples of where Lego might go next, but I think if you want to find out where Lego goes next, visit a toy (...) (19 years ago, 28-Feb-05, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Release dates
(...) Oh we could have a field day with this one. Guns 'n' Pickups for the gun crazed middle America versus historical playsets for sensitive Scandinavians? Dinosaurs co-existing with humans for the creationist New World versus mythical beasts for (...) (19 years ago, 28-Feb-05, to, FTX)

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