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 LEGO Company / 3220
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Re: Release dates
Sat, 26 Feb 2005 08:07:41 GMT
5259 times
For a company that is struggling to make ends meet, something is puzzling me...

Why two series?  Why Dino Attack and the Vikings?  Why not Vikings only?

Let me elaborate:

With the Dino Attack series, you have

New Set Concept - some unknown number of people sit around a table, throw around
ideads, and come up with Dino Attack.  Money is spent, wages are paid.

New Set Design - some unknown number of designers sit around a work bench, build
some ideas, share their ideas, tweak their ideas, finalize the sets.  Money is
spent, wages are paid.

New Parts Created - some unknown number modelers takes the requirements from the
set designers and creates master copies of some unknown number of never before
seen parts (like dino parts), molds them, dies them, creates molds.  Money is
spent, wages are paid.

New Instructions Created - some unknown number of instruction producers
digitally recreate the sets, carefully mapping out the sets as accurately as
humanly possible, seperates the digital set into steps, sends the data to the
printer.  Money is spent, wages are paid.

New Packaging - some unknown number of photographers take the final set designs
(plus previous prototypes in the case of toy fairs) and photograph them.  Some
unknown number of digital artists then clean up the image, add appropriate artsy
backgrounds, sends the data to the printer.  Money is spent, wages are paid.

Assembly - some unknown number of factory workers stop the production line,
reprogram and recalibrate the machines to produce the right parts for the Dino
Attack sets.  The parts are collected, sorted and packaged.  Lots of money is
spent, wages are paid.

Marketing - some unknown number of marketeers start brainstorming around a table
about how to properly advertise the product to their target audience.  A
decision is made, a plan is constructed and implemented.  Data is sent to
whomever is needed.  Money is spent, wages are paid.

Delivery - some unknown number of employees and middle-men sort, package and
ship the new sets to their destinations.  Money is spent, wages are paid.

While on the other hand you could have not created but one new LEGO series
(Vikings) and made it available world-wide.  What would that have cost?

New Set Concept - no added cost

New Set Design - no added cost

New Parts Created - no added cost

New Instructions Created - no added cost

New Packaging - no added cost

Assembly - added cost for added volume

Marketing - added cost where maketing is extended into North America

Delivery - added cost where delivery is extended into North America

Seems to me the smart bet would be to go with one world wide series.

<plants tongue firmly in cheek>

OK, Jake.  You have no more excuses.  LEGO comes out with new Harry Potter,
Vikings, Dino Attack and a whole bunch of other new series all requiring new and
unique parts.

Bionicle requires new and unique parts with EVERY incarnation.

KK2 Maxifig knights are almost nothing but unique parts.

No more excuses Jake.  New molds CAN'T be that expensive if LEGO is going
through all of this.

Cypress trees and pitchforks for everyone!

</tongue in cheek>

And that's all I have to say about that.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Release dates
<snippage> (...) Wow!!! Tony, you really threw the guantlet down! :D (how's that for a castle reference?) And while he's at it, how about retiring bley and dark bley. Oh and since you're making requests, I want some new monorail track and blue (...) (19 years ago, 26-Feb-05, to
  Re: Release dates
(...) <snip> (...) Oh you tell 'em Sava. (URL) [ j o n ] (URL) [ z e m i d o t n e t ]> :: lego weblog :: creations :: moonbase (19 years ago, 27-Feb-05, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Release dates
All, Sorry for the delay in getting posting this info. I've been crazy busy lately (when you aren't traveling, people are actually able to get ahold of you!), and still trying to catch up. There has been some question about the releases of Dino (...) (19 years ago, 25-Feb-05, to, lugnet.announce, FTX) ! 

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