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 Gaming / BrikWars / 328
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Re: The steampunk skiff 'Egregious'
Tue, 3 Jul 2007 15:12:50 GMT
12332 times
In lugnet.gaming.brikwars, Don Cox wrote:

   Is there a article available describing the battle in detail? I am also interested in this type of gaming, being a fan of Space:1889.

I don’t think anyone has done a detailed write-up yet, but I might be able to answer questions if you have any. I had the dubious honor of taking on the Egregious in battle with the Champlain.

For the game, we used the 2000(?) BrikWars rules, with a Cost Point limit of about 300. This means that the Egregious was stripped down with no torpedos, and fewer guns. We also used TekLevel 3 weapons, at a TekLevel 4 cost to account for the Steampunk aspects. In other words, we made up a lot of the stats.

We used Duplo blocks to keep track of our altitude. Every three blocks was an altitude level. Most of the game was spent at full altitude (4 levels) for all ships, but there was some swooping and diving going on, especially when things started exploding and falling from the sky.

The black bits you see scattered about in the photos are hopping mines. Whenever a ship came within a 16x16 baseplate of one of these mines, it would hop 1d6 levels into the air, then float down one level each turn. They also drifted with the wind, which occasionally made for some interesting situations, such as when the Egregious went down. Her crew was running from the flames of the ship’s burning deck, while they were being fired on by the enemy. As the ship hit the sand, it triggered a mine, just in time for the wind to die down. So, in addition to gunfire and flame, the crew had a mine dropping onto their heads. Somehow, they managed to evacuate the Egregious, only to have one of their member’s promptly eaten by a sandworm.

All in all, though, they fared better than the crew of the Champlain, which burst into flame when its powder-kegs were hit, killing all but two of the crew. Of those two, only one survived the resulting crash, and he was also eaten by a sandworm after running around the desert for a few turns.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The steampunk skiff 'Egregious'
(...) Is there a article available describing the battle in detail? I am also interested in this type of gaming, being a fan of Space:1889. I even did some British troops and a mini-Aphid: (URL) I want to expan my Aphid, any suggestions? -- Don (...) (17 years ago, 1-Jul-07, to lugnet.gaming.brikwars, FTX)

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