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“BrikWars!” by Mike Rayhawk

BrikWars! by Mike Rayhawk

The Dread Pirate Two-By-Two
   BrikWars 2005
BrikWars’ Tenth Anniversary Edition, in free full-color illustrated HTML. Now streamlined and smoother for your gaming enjoyment.
The Deadly SpaceMan
   BrikWars 2001
BrikWars’ earlier advanced edition, with an overload of rules to satisfy even the most hardcore wargamer.
The NegaBloktrix
   QuikWars (2004)
BrikWars’ low-calorie substitute, a short two pages long, good for beginners or people running out of printer ink.

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lugnet.gaming.brikwars– Focused discussion group for BrikWars: out-of-character and out-of-game discussion and information about rules, development, and status of the BrikWars role-playing game.

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  Re: Pirate Wars??
(...) Hi Paul, The group you want is lugnet.pirates. The root of all Pirate games is Evil Stevie's Pirate Game. Find it at (URL). I've run a couple rounds of Evil Stevie's. It's a lot of fun, here's a write-up of one session: (URL). There are (at (...) (15 years ago, 23-Jun-09, to lugnet.gaming.brikwars, lugnet.pirates, FTX)
  Pirate Wars??
Can someone point me to a resource on Lego Pirate wargames? I vaguely remember that sort of thing happening at one convention or another... Thanks, Paul Sinasohn BAYLUG LUGNET #115 (15 years ago, 23-Jun-09, to lugnet.gaming.brikwars)
  Anyone in SC doing some lego gaming?
I'm a recent mover to southern SC / Northern Ga and it seems the area is pretty dry for gaming opportunities. Sadly, that means my lego collection has stayed packed away in boxes in the garage. I'd love a reason to get out there and start to unearth (...) (16 years ago, 10-Jun-08, to lugnet.gaming.brikwars)
  Re: The steampunk skiff 'Egregious'
(...) I don't think anyone has done a detailed write-up yet, but I might be able to answer questions if you have any. I had the dubious honor of taking on the Egregious in battle with the (URL). For the game, we used the 2000(?) BrikWars rules, with (...) (17 years ago, 3-Jul-07, to lugnet.gaming.brikwars, FTX)

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