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Steampunk Gun Ship Champlain
lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.adventurers
Sat, 19 May 2007 17:57:50 GMT
! (details)
36381 times
Introducing the crew of the gun ship Champlain.

The Champlain is a steampunk gun ship inspired by a discussion about flying skiffs.

She has a current crew of five, including Captain Arnold Benedict. Weaponry includes a bow-mounted cannon, swivel guns on the port and starboard sides, and four rifles for use by boarding or landing parties.

Lift is provided by a large propeller beneath the hull, while thrust is generated by two props at the rear. Power is supplied by the central steam engine, which is vented by a large exhaust pipe.

Navigational controls are all central to the Captain’s station, while storage on the open deck is available at the rear of the craft.

I began building this craft from the bow, then worked my way backward. Once the craft was finished, it reminded me of the flat-bottom gun boats that were used on Lake Champlain during the American Revolution, thus the name.

Brickshelf Gallery

Comments always welcome.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Steampunk Gun Ship Champlain
(...) Hey there, Elroy, I like this quite a bit. Details of note include your hand-built railings -- of different heights, as needed -- and your swivel mounts for the small cannons. You have a single propellor on the underside. For physical accuracy (...) (18 years ago, 19-May-07, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
  Re: Steampunk Gun Ship Champlain
I like it, mainly the side cannons (maybe I'll use them later ;) ) and the motor with Exo-force robot parts. Your dated pic is also great :) Congrats Luís Baixinho (18 years ago, 19-May-07, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)

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