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Re: Brickfest 2000 Pirate Game Postmortem
Wed, 21 Jun 2000 22:24:57 GMT
3508 times
In, Thomas P. Rafert writes:
Seattle? Well I'd like to try to get a game going this summer during PNLTC's
big train event at the Seattle Center.  I figured since there will be a lot of
AFOL's here for the event we could have a Brickfest of sorts right along with
it. Interested? Anyone?


Thomas's & Kristin's Home Page
PNLTC Member

I'd love to help out with a Pirate game at an event like that.  I'm pretty
sure I can count in one or two more as well from the guys I play with.  The
real trick, as covered in Frank's game is making sure there are enough ships
of the right types for what we want to do.  Battle games are a lot easier as
you can bring whatever you want, and things are divided up to form fair
teams.  Having played the campaign style as well, I'd be in favor of trying
that as it sound like we could have at least two our three refs to work with.

Steve: You see a sail

Guy before me:  Uh, ok.  Can I tell if they have guns or not?

Steve: No, you're too far away, you can only see the sail.

Guy: Ok, we'll attack!

Steve: Alright.  As you get closer, you see it's an Imperial Armada Flagship,
go over to Derek and fight your battle with your Cutter.

Guy: D'oh!

Steve (after rolling): You see a sail.

Me:  Uh, ok...Can I tell how big of a sail it is?

Steve:  Yes, it looks to be about the same size as yours.

Me:  Are there more than one?

Steve: No.

Me:  Well, then we'll attack!

Steve:  You find it's a fishing boat.  <roleplay> They surrender when they see
the size of your crew, you now have another ship.

Me: Cool.

Steve:  You see a sail.

Some other Guy:  Uh, ok.  How big is it?...

(I've never hear that question asked so many times by so many guys)

-Sean, Mad the pirate!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brickfest 2000 Pirate Game Postmortem
(...) Must..... restrain.... evil.... cackle....... (...) Plunder! Arrr!!! (...) Arrr! Y' see, matey, if'n y' lives long enou', y' learn how t' keep on livin'! Franklin (24 years ago, 21-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming,

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  Re: Brickfest 2000 Pirate Game Postmortem
Seattle? Well I'd like to try to get a game going this summer during PNLTC's big train event at the Seattle Center. I figured since there will be a lot of AFOL's here for the event we could have a Brickfest of sorts right along with it. Interested? (...) (24 years ago, 21-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming,

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