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Re: Brickfest 2000 Pirate Game Postmortem
Wed, 21 Jun 2000 07:39:39 GMT
3417 times
Seattle? Well I'd like to try to get a game going this summer during PNLTC's big
train event at the Seattle Center.  I figured since there will be a lot of AFOL's
here for the event we could have a Brickfest of sorts right along with it.
Interested? Anyone?


Sean Forbes wrote:

I'd be on a plane in no time to gather with other pirate/lego-philes!  One
question though.  Could it be in the fall/winter-ish time so those of us from
the great off-white north (like Seattle) could survive the Texas sun?

-The Mad Pirate Sean

Thomas's & Kristin's Home Page
PNLTC Member

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brickfest 2000 Pirate Game Postmortem
(...) big train event at the Seattle Center. I figured since there will be a lot of AFOL's here for the event we could have a Brickfest of sorts right along with it. Interested? Anyone? (...) sure I can count in one or two more as well from the guys (...) (24 years ago, 21-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Brickfest 2000 Pirate Game Postmortem
(...) to (...) much, but it would be fun. (...) Arr! Having faced the amassed fleet of Capt'n Stevie before, I can safely say that ye won't be needing ta' bring anything but lots of caffinated beverages! As a survivor of the 12 hour battle during (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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