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Re: Brickfest 2000 Pirate Game Postmortem
Mon, 19 Jun 2000 16:10:48 GMT
2185 times
"Richard Parsons" <> wrote:

"Frank Filz" wrote

and we still didn't really have enough cutters

we never really needed the big ships

also brought some bigger ships which we didn't use

<<hoping this is not a stupid question but>>

How come the emphasis on the cutters, and not the big ships?

...I think cutters worked well enuf for our general level of cluelessness :-) Tho perhaps
it would have been nicer with size 2 ships so we could at least have a spare gun about :-) can go back to ignoring me now...

stephen f roberts
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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Brickfest 2000 Pirate Game Postmortem
"Frank Filz" wrote (...) <<hoping this is not a stupid question but>> How come the emphasis on the cutters, and not the big ships? Richard Still baldly going... (24 years ago, 19-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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