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 Castle / 744
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Re: Anyone using motors, etc. in Castle creations?
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 13:28:20 GMT
1479 times
In lugnet.castle, Michael Ulring writes:
I'm considering using Micro Motors for the two entrances in my new castle. • Has
anyone else done this?  What about Lego lights (from L&S sets) being used
inside various shops or rooms inside the castle?

There are numerous other instances where a motor could be used in the castle,
various siege elements, cranes, opening/closing doors.

I'm just not sure I like motorizing castle creations.  It seems a little out • of
place I guess.

-Mike Ulring

My own motor-use in a castle was for a working water-wheel jutting from the
side of the castle into the river-area. By building a fairly large wheel out of
bricks and Technic elements, and gearing the motor down slightly, I managed to
make the wheel turn at a very slow, realistic pace.
The motor was built into the the castle wall, the battery box had a couple of
BURP's covering it - a cunningly positioned technic rod acted as a button to
activate the concealed battery.
The same castle also utilised a pneumatic system for the drawbridge, although
this was a lot more difficult to cover - I have a ton more BURP's now, so maybe
I could build this system into a more satisfactory mountain base.
I say run with the out-of-place - just use whatever you have to get the desired
effect, which is one of the points of Lego, after all...

Stu C.
University of Glasgow

Message is in Reply To:
  Anyone using motors, etc. in Castle creations?
I'm considering using Micro Motors for the two entrances in my new castle. Has anyone else done this? What about Lego lights (from L&S sets) being used inside various shops or rooms inside the castle? There are numerous other instances where a motor (...) (24 years ago, 22-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)

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