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Re: Anyone using motors, etc. in Castle creations?
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 23:36:48 GMT
1767 times
In lugnet.castle, Rick Kurtzuba writes:
James Brown writes:
I haven't done any motorizing, but I have done lighting.  I use the 9v
system as opposed to L&S stuff, and it works fairly well, the only problem
is that it's a bit dim.  However, with a red cap (as comes in one of the
service packs) they work well as 'glow' from a fireplace.  I use them
behind stoves, and underneath fires.  A fireplace piled with red & orange
trans- 1x1's looks really cool with a light behind it.

Having been a Castle-only collector, I'm really not at all familiar with any
motorized or lighting elements.  Could you please explain a little more about
how you did what you describe?  Where did you hide the power source?  Where
did you run the wires so that they weren't visible?  And so on.  This sounds
like a fascinating idea!

It's not all that tricky, actually.  I used two methods, mostly.  For
fireplaces, I put the light brick right into the back wall of the fireplace,
and piled the fireplace high with trans-red, trans-yellow and trans-orange 1x1
round plates.  Makes a really cool-looking effect, especially with 1 or 2
flames sticking up.
The other thing I did was for my kitchen, where I had a bread oven, a stove
and a kettle all side by side.  In this case, I put several lights behind the
wall, and just left holes in the backs of the stove et al. to let the light
through.  It worked well, except that it's very dim.  I still think that might
be because I'm using several lights off a single battery pack.

As for hiding things, it wasn't that hard in my case.  I just cheated. :)
My current model backs onto a mountain, so all the wiring and such is hidden
"behind" the mountain side.

My wife is more ambitious with her castle - she's hiding the wire runs in
chimneys and under floors, which is working out really well.

One of my friends, upon seeing all the 9v wires I had running tidily (I used
1x3 arch bricks to keep them neat) behind the mountain commented that I *must*
be a computer geek - even my castle has cable runs! :)

I'm in the process of rebuilding my webpage, which will have pictures of all
this stuff. (though it doesn't now)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Anyone using motors, etc. in Castle creations?
(...) If you're using standard LEGO electrical parts (plates, wires, etc) aren't the lights hooked up in parallel? If so, then the only reason for dim lights would be low batteries, right? --Bram Bram Lambrecht / o o \ (...) (24 years ago, 22-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Anyone using motors, etc. in Castle creations?
(...) Having been a Castle-only collector, I'm really not at all familiar with any motorized or lighting elements. Could you please explain a little more about how you did what you describe? Where did you hide the power source? Where did you run the (...) (24 years ago, 22-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)

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