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 Castle / 6607
6606  |  6608
Re: Wheels in medieval Japan
Tue, 31 Oct 2000 05:15:12 GMT
1377 times
"Ran" *IS* fabulous but its late medieval if medieval at all, primary
weapons in it are bows, swords and MUSKET'S.  Fabulous scene of the
various sides going back and forth with the advantage swinging one way
or another....

My view is muskets don't belong in castle :^) but other's views may
differ , and rightly so as they are not me!

I couldn't agree more, muskets don't belong in castle, nor do cannons fot
that matter. But since the ninja theme came with 'gunpowder' I figure you
just keep
the traditional castle away from fuedal japan, except for the occasional

Didn't the chineese invent gun powder around 1250 (braveheart era), but it
didn't take hold for a long time, and when it did, europeans were all over
it actually selling the idea back to asian dynasties? (kind of a run-on,
but you get what I mean)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Wheels in medieval Japan
(...) "Ran" *IS* fabulous but its late medieval if medieval at all, primary weapons in it are bows, swords and MUSKET'S. Fabulous scene of the various sides going back and forth with the advantage swinging one way or another.... My view is muskets (...) (23 years ago, 31-Oct-00, to lugnet.castle)

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