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Re: L3PAO 1.9 Beta
Mon, 18 Apr 2011 17:43:27 GMT
19446 times
In lugnet.cad, Anders Isaksson wrote:
Don Heyse wrote:

Since "ledit.exe" is the same size string as "parts.lst" perhaps
someone could try editing the L3PAO executable in a binary editor and
replace the string
so it looks for a file that still exists in the current ldraw

If that's all that's needed, wouldn't it be easier to just create a file
called "ledit.exe" in the appropriate folder - no binary hacking needed.

I think I used a copy of Notepad.exe and renamed it to ledit.exe if my memory
serves me right.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: L3PAO 1.9 Beta
(...) If that's all that's needed, wouldn't it be easier to just create a file called "ledit.exe" in the appropriate folder - no binary hacking needed. (13 years ago, 18-Apr-11, to lugnet.cad)

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