| | Re: Train doors and windows
Hi Larry, Its always good to get ones intentions out in the open. My concern is that someone has encouraged Christian in Denmark to deal with people in the 500 club to the exclusion of all others, tell me I'm wrong. Why can't interested people put (...) (26 years ago, 29-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.market.auction, lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
 | | Re: Train doors and windows
Let me start this out by saying I am NOT a trainhead, yet I hope to be in on this deal, because believe it or not, train windows/doors can be used for other purposes ;-) I also know nothing more about the deal that what has been posted in here, but (...) (26 years ago, 29-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.market.auction, lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
 | | Re: Train doors and windows
(...) You're wrong, near as I can tell. Christer (ER, not IAN) told me he was getting bombarded with mail, told me that too much uproar would sour the deal and get his friend in trouble and cause it not to happen. Keep it up. (...) Go ahead. No one (...) (26 years ago, 29-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.market.auction, lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
 | | Re: Train doors and windows
(...) My two cents worth( admittedly not much but :::shrugging shoulders:::: what the the hey...) I am not a train head either, but any part can be used in any model :) . I am still what I consider a "novice" to the art of Lego so please allow me a (...) (26 years ago, 29-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.market.auction, lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
 | | Re: Train doors and windows
(...) I think your repeated mean spirited posts are what is slimy here. Why not let the blood pressure drop for awhile? This is the first *possibility* of an order from TLG so why do you want to push it? Please just wait and see how and if it goes (...) (26 years ago, 29-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.market.auction, lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
 | | Re: Train doors and windows
It would appear that as normal my ISP is isn't getting all the threads about this thing, and I'm therefore getting the wrong impression. I wish to apologize for sounding ungrateful to people like Larry who's actions I have misinterpreted due to not (...) (26 years ago, 29-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.market.auction, lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
 | | Re: Train doors and windows
It would appear that as normal my ISP is isn't getting all the threads about this thing, and I'm therefore getting the wrong impression. I wish to apologize for sounding ungrateful to people like Larry who's actions I have misinterpreted due to not (...) (26 years ago, 29-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.market.auction, lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
 | | Re: Train doors and windows
(...) Hrmmm, strictly from the technical side of things, your ISP shouldn't even begin to enter into the "threads" equation here on Lugnet. Since there is only ONE server that carries the threaded discussion groups, if you can connect and read any (...) (26 years ago, 29-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.market.auction, lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
 | | Re: Train doors and windows
Hi all... I've been following this as well as the Secrets Revealed thread and have decided too open my mouth at the risk of saying something stupid... 1) Is anybody "Really" surprised that a bulk part ordering service was available to some? I mean (...) (26 years ago, 30-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.market.auction, lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
 | | Re: Train doors and windows
(...) this (...) for (...) due to (...) Unless (to give Mark the benefit of the doubt) he reads by e-mail and doesn't subscribe to the .trains group. In which case he only would have seen the last half (or so) of the thread. James (URL) (26 years ago, 30-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.market.auction, lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)