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Re: Tell me More
Sat, 13 Oct 2001 04:03:26 GMT
1147 times
Is that as in Tyne Dock, Newcastle? do you have pictures, i'm interested!

Yep, that'd be it.  Take a look at my web page (
for info on the hopper cars.  I've also built a pair of class 24-26 DE's to
pull the train with.  These have electrically operated brake vans attached to
them semi-permanantly.  It's quite neat to see, and the brake vans add about
the equal braking effect as a motor to the train (long 2 plate grades=
requirement for LOTS of stopping power)

I should finish the grade, so that I have something useful to run them up and
down :)


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  Re: Tell me More
(...) How do they work? Do you actually brake the wheels, or just run a motor in reverse? ROSCO (23 years ago, 13-Oct-01, to lugnet.trains)

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  Tell me More
<Snip> (The special motors are usedfor my Tyne Dock train-including working brakevans...) Is that as in Tyne Dock, Newcastle? do you have pictures, i'm interested! Tim (23 years ago, 11-Oct-01, to lugnet.trains)

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