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    PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Steven Barile
   Hi All, First I'd like to say thank you for being patient with us. Today was the earliest possible date that the LEGOLAND, CA (LLCA) Gallery was in any shape to be made public. We all would have loved to get the pics out the day after the show, but (...) (24 years ago, 29-Aug-01, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.announce) !! 
        Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Steve Martin
     (...) Great layout!! I wish I could have seen it in person. Thanks for taking all the time and effort to share it with us. Do you have a Track Designer file of the layout that you could share with us? Regards, Steve Martin IndyLUG (24 years ago, 29-Aug-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Tony Hafner
     (...) Thanks! (...) We don't actually use Track Designer to lay out the whole display. Each person who is in charge of an area plans it however they want, and we make sure that the edges match. Some people might use Track Designer, but what they (...) (24 years ago, 4-Sep-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Jim Schifeling
     What I saw looks great but there are a lot of broken images. The thumb nails loaded extremely slow as well. I was listening to internet radio (and it didin't cut out) while they were loading so I don't think it is my DSL. (7:30 AM CST) That (...) (24 years ago, 29-Aug-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Tony Hafner
     (...) I found a lot of the images to be broken on first pass as well- but they always came in when I forced IE to reload the image (right-click/show image). -- Tony Hafner (24 years ago, 29-Aug-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —James Trobaugh
     They're still pretty much hit and miss for me, I'll get all the thumbnails and then only a few of the big pictures. But then I'll come back later and get only a few of the thumbnails and it kind of hangs up when I look at the bigger pictures. Maybe (...) (24 years ago, 29-Aug-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Tony Hafner
     Sorry for the slow- and non-loading pictures. We're aware of the problem and are working on a solution. And yes, traffic volume is almost certainly part of the problem. -- Tony Hafner (24 years ago, 29-Aug-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Ross Crawford
     (...) Oh, no!!! Its been "Lugnetted"!!!!! ROSCO (24 years ago, 30-Aug-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Amy Hughes
     (...) Mmmm. Transluscent fruit :-) Great display. Good 3-D work and lots of character throughout. I particularly like the mountain town and the wonderful cathedral. Amy (24 years ago, 29-Aug-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Tony Hafner
     (...) The translucent fruit was Matt's, I believe. It actually is a great color match for green apples when the light hits it right and your eye picks up a mix of the neon green and the darker piece behind it. But from the wrong angle it looks like (...) (24 years ago, 4-Sep-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —James Brown
     (...) Wow. I've been looking at this on & off for a few days now, and I'm overwhelmed. There is so much fantastic work, I can't be superlative enough... trying to come up with highlights against a background like this is beyond me. This was a (...) (24 years ago, 1-Sep-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Tony Hafner
     (...) Thanks so much! (...) I'm amazed at this phenomenon myself. There are a number of clubs out there doing fantastic displays and each one is more impressive than the one before. At this rate, what are we (we as in the whole Lego fan community, (...) (24 years ago, 4-Sep-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Tim Strutt
     (...) First I'd like to say that is an absolutely impressive display. Just breath-taking. I love all the details in each area. There are just too many wonderful MOC's to start commenting on them all. Congratulations on a job well done. That said, (...) (24 years ago, 1-Sep-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Ben Fleskes
      Tim - That is my MOC. It isn't intended as a volkswagon thing, but now you mention, it does look like one. I basically tried to compress one of the mininland cars shown in the DK lego book down to a 4-wide version. It's one of my favorite four wide (...) (24 years ago, 1-Sep-01, to lugnet.trains)
         Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Chris Phillips
     (...) Ben, That is a fantastic car! I hope you don't mind that I took inspiration from your model to build a whole fleet of convertibles, all slight variations on the same basic design. I posted some building instructions for one model on (...) (24 years ago, 9-Sep-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Frank Filz
   (...) As I'm browsing through this on my slow link, I've been thinking how nice it would be to have this presentation on a CD-ROM. I think I'd be willing to pay as much as 20 bucks for something like that, which would be a great way for a club to (...) (24 years ago, 2-Sep-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally) —Tony Hafner
   (...) I would love to sell a bunch of CDs for $20 each, but I don't think there'd really be too many buyers at that price. We have certainly toyed with the idea of burning some, but we haven't quite made that leap yet. I personally think it *will* (...) (24 years ago, 4-Sep-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Event CDs (was PNLTC's photo gallery is up) —Steve Barile
   It isn't that much trouble transfering the gallery site to a CD. And with blank CD's costing $0.20ea, $10 each (including shipping w/in US) might be a reasonable thing. The real question is how many really want one for $10? send me a message and LMK (...) (24 years ago, 4-Sep-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: Event CDs (was PNLTC's photo gallery is up) —Jason Spears
   (...) I can't say I would definitly buy one at $10ea, but I would consider it. At something less, I would be hard pressed not to buy one. -Jason (24 years ago, 5-Sep-01, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: Event CDs (was PNLTC's photo gallery is up) —Steven Barile
   Some cost estimates (a bit of unfortunate reality)... $10 is barely break even. By the time you print a label, sleeve it, stick it in an a CD mailer, and mail it, your at ~$5. Plus the effort, the most expensive part! Even at minimum wage we'll be (...) (24 years ago, 5-Sep-01, to lugnet.trains)

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