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Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally)
Tue, 4 Sep 2001 16:45:51 GMT
538 times
Wow.  I've been looking at this on & off for a few days now, and I'm
overwhelmed.  There is so much fantastic work, I can't be superlative
enough... trying to come up with highlights against a background like this
is beyond me.

This was a stunning layout, and I wish I had been there to see it. :(

Thanks so much!

The bar has been raised beyond what anyone could have imagined just a few
short years ago.

I'm amazed at this phenomenon myself.  There are a number of clubs out there
doing fantastic displays and each one is more impressive than the one
before.  At this rate, what are we (we as in the whole Lego fan community,
not just PNLTC) going to be doing in 3 more years?

Tony Hafner

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: PNLTC's LEGOLAND photo gallery is up (finally)
(...) Wow. I've been looking at this on & off for a few days now, and I'm overwhelmed. There is so much fantastic work, I can't be superlative enough... trying to come up with highlights against a background like this is beyond me. This was a (...) (24 years ago, 1-Sep-01, to lugnet.trains)

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