Re: best set for micromotors, pneumatics
Sun, 23 Jan 2000 23:55:56 GMT
1722 times
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Pat schreef:
> > I just bought the 8479 Barcode Truck on eBay. I hope I don't regret it! But I
> > wanted to comment on two things: First, the 8446 Crane Truck is a great set. No
> > pneumatics, but a lot of fun to build and play with. Really nice gearing and
> > great wheels. Second, I love green Lego too! It's one of the reasons I shelled
> > out over $150 for the barcode truck. Nice to know I'm not the only nut out
> > there when it comes to my Lego set's colors.
> So you're the one who outbid me! Just kidding...Hope you complete the
> transaction smoothly.
Aw, don't worry, there's another one up, at $0.01 now without reserve even
Jan-Albert "Anvil" van Ree |
3D Sims Archive maintainer |
Thrustmaster Resource Center |
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: best set for micromotors, pneumatics
| (...) D'oh!!! But then again it's now up to $15.50 with 9 days to go... and mine is MISB, so blah... :-) BTW, searching for 8479s sold on eBay indicates that $150 - $155 is about the going rate these days. We know eBay isn't the cheapest. A (25 years ago, 24-Jan-00, to lugnet.technic)
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