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Re: My Lego Animation...Again
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 14:00:34 GMT
617 times
Ok, for starters, focus on my comments above, 'cause they're the good news :)

Now, remember - you asked!
As a trailer, (besides the clips I mentioned above, i.e. the saberduel and the
advancing horde), it kinda blows.
.... :\
Let me explain;
Trailers are very carefully crafted bits of imagery, cut very closely together
to bait the audience with plenty of juicy tidbits, without giving away too
much, but just enough to make you wanna see the movie, all in as little time • as
possible. As a trailer you've got far too many long black-screen fillers, and
quite a few of the clips could stand to be chopped into tiny little bits, or
even changed completely. Particularly, if I counted right, clips Five, Seven,
and Twelve - Vader does NOT look the least bit ominous or "on the hunt" with a
long crane shot as he "toodles" (no better word for that walking gait
he's got, but such is the way of lego stopmotion) away from the camera.
The _best_ remedy for this would be to re-shoot some of those clips, but being
that you've already worked on it for 15 months (again, sorry to be treading
all over your work here but you DID ask!) that might not be your favorite • idea.
You could instead shoot specific cuts just for the trailer, but again that
might be a bit much.
Ok, that leaves re-editing. Clip out the blackscreen holds. Shorten some of • the
longer cuts - we don't necessarily need to see a character trundle all the way
up the screen or around the corner and out of frame to get the idea -
especially, again, in the context of a trailer. You could possibly leave the
long shots in the full film but they really don't belong in a bait vid.

(ahem) Ok, I should give you some breathing room now, eh? heheh.
Lest you think me too negative, please remember that there are some real gems
you've got there - the lipsync, the duel, the advancing horde, all brilliant.
But you did ask, so I obligingly spew forth. :)

Now that I've shot off my mouth about editing, I do have some vid-editing
software that came with my digicam that I'm itching to try out, so if you'd
allow me, I wouldn't mind putting the digital scissors to your work.. again, • if
you'd allow it. That, however, would require that I have a saved copy of it. I
fully admit to not having much web savvy, but I can't seem to _save_ the
trailer file, only view it. Right-clicking only gives me a play/rewind option.
Probably my browser or something.. any thoughts?

Or should I just keep my big nose to myself? :D

Animation Technical Assistant
National Film Board of Canada
North West Centre
(I usually don't add that, but I thought it relevant in this case)

Thanks for the comments.  I can take the criticism and I thank you for them.
I am a Film student and am used to hardcore criticism.

As far as the black goes, I was going to start with an opening similar to the
Phantom Menace Trailer, with the text intercut with the images, but with the
quality so reduced, I scraped that idea.  Another black you might have seen
was a glitch I didn't pick up until after I  made the trailer.  The other
black area I didn't like was the long wait prior to the Xwings entering the
I also agree with some of the long takes being in there, such as Vader
marching between his troopers.  That one seemed to hold a little long.

As far as the scenes that can be seen in the trailer, I was very limited in
what I chose to put in there.  Two of the key scenes, The
snowspeeder/speederbike battle and the opening space battle were not complete
at the time.  They were both going to be computer generated and since Im not
the best or most patient at this end of the spectrum, it will take some time.

As far as you re-cutting it, that would be a great idea.  i've been doing most
of the production work myself and it would good to see my scenes recut from a
fresh view.  If you want, I could give you some of the higher quality raw
footage and maybe some scenes I opted to leave from the trailer.  Let me know
what you think is the best course of action.

Thanks agian for the comments

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My Lego Animation...Again
(...) Pretty darn cool I have to say. The best bits are the short clip of the advancing BikerScoutHorde, and the Lightsaber Duel - EXTREMELY well done from what I can tell, especially considering the constraints of the minifig as a stop action (...) (24 years ago, 12-Oct-00, to lugnet.starwars)

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