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Re: MF Challenge!
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 20:38:25 GMT
418 times
In lugnet.starwars, Jamie Hickey writes:
In lugnet.starwars, Geoff Hardy writes:
Okay, I was thinking.... with all the talk regarding the MF, and the
cockpit, why not have a little contest. Everyone break out your graph
paper.... okay LDraw, whatever you want to use, and let's see if anyone can
work out a cockpit that can fit 2 figs side by side. Preferably using the
canopy piece that comes with the set. I rather like the look of it, though
unfortunately it is only 6 dots wide (dots or pegs? what do we call those
things?). I have been trying to make it work out. I would like to have it
figured out by the time I get this set.

I think we are going to see allot of customizing of this set when it comes
out. But that's okay! That is  part of the fun. Folks seem to expect LEGO to
do everything for us, exactly the way we want it done. But that' silly. Even
if it doesn't have an interior (which I fully expect it will), how hard do
you really expect it will be to add one? The only place I can see as perhaps
being impossible to work out, will be the corridor to the cockpit.... I just
don't think that can happen as long as there is a saucer section there. Not
sure what, if anything, I will do about it.

Anyway, let's see some positive thinking. If you feel you've been given a
lemon... then make lemonade, and share your ideas with us! (okay that was a
little corny, but I couldn't resist)


-- Geoff

O.K. Problem solved, maybe! If there is enough head room. Does the Landspeeder
ring a bell.

This is assuming that the cockpit has 2 studs on the bottom!

1) put a 2x4 or 2x6 plate on the bottom
2) on top of that put a 4x4 or 4x6 plate
3) now put 4 1x2 plates with one center stud
4) 2 seats on those
5) build the rest of the cockpit around that          design (computers,

This all perviding that there is clearance for the minifigs heads! What do you

Well I just tried the Landspeeder fix and it does work!

I took the off the 4x6 tan plates with windshield on it, the red 1x2 thin wall
pieces! Slapped a 1x4x3 thin wall piece on where the red pieces go, put the
seat back in, put the minifig in the seat, and guess what it does works! The
minifigs hands miss the thin wall pieces by hair!

Try it!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MF Challenge!
(...) O.K. Problem solved, maybe! If there is enough head room. Does the Landspeeder ring a bell. This is assuming that the cockpit has 2 studs on the bottom! 1) put a 2x4 or 2x6 plate on the bottom 2) on top of that put a 4x4 or 4x6 plate 3) now (...) (25 years ago, 17-Nov-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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