Re: New Star Wars Stuff
Fri, 8 Oct 1999 00:22:32 GMT
913 times
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Christopher Tracey wrote:
> >
> > Kya Morden wrote:
> >
> > > In case you missed it on RTL you can find a picture of a new
> > > flyer/catalogue at which
> The Falcon seems pretty hefty.
Even heftier than you think unless I've missed my guess.
> The front mandibles look to be the new x-wing
> style wings with about two rows of bricks inbetween.
Okay, lacking other evidence I'll agree with you there.
> That would make the front
> flat surface of the mandibles three studs each, with what looks to be 6 studs
> inbetween.
It's 8 studs I think. If you take either mandible tip to be 3 studs wide
then the depth of the cutout between them is at least 8 studs long, and closer
to 10, I think. It looks like it is the length of the entire angled portion of
one of those wings, at least. It's easier to see this if you hold up one of
those wings to your screen when you look at the picture. I should add that I'm
also looking at the negative image of the original (so the Falcon appears white
with gray highlights) and that at 5x scale.
\ /
\ .------. / ----
\ | | /
\ | | / 10
\ | | /
'--' '--' ----
<- 8 ->
< 3 >
> That would make the frontmost portion of the falcon 12 studs wide.
14, according to my rough estimations.
> It looks like there are two sets of these wings in a line to make up the front
> angle of the falcon.
Quite a bit more than two I think. The angled portion of the wing is only 9
studs with 7 more studs being straight. If you overlap the wings to get a
straight angle down the length of the ship then you'll need at least 3, and
maybe 4.
> THis could make the length to the center of the saucer
> section anywhere from 19 to 24 studs depending if the overlap the plates.
The diameter of the saucer is in the 40-stud range, I think. God help me,
looking at this picture, the _radius_ of that saucer must be bigger than 20
studs (so long as the tip of the mandibles is 3 studs). The way I look at
it, it appears to be closer to 30 studs (10x the tip of the mandible), and
60 studs in diameter.
I'm working this out in MLCAD as I write this...
Nothing works. Using those wings you just can't achieve these scales. The
Falcon model is either incredibly small or extremely large. I'm looking at
this picture and thinking that it's as wide as my MS natural keyboard, and
that's (piecing together some pieces...) 3 6x24's overlapped by 12!
[snip 7 lines of dat code I made to show this with real lego pieces. Model
it yourself, I guess.]
The angle is too steep. The problem with those wings is that they have a
angled portion 3 studs wide and 9 studs long. So, by your first guess,
6 studs between mandibles, 3 studs per tip and two wings overlapped, that's
a width not greater than 3+3+6+3+3+3+3 or 24. That's impossibly small.
Using 4 of those wings per side, that's 24+12 or just 36 ... and that's
much much much too steep because it's extremely long (36 studs just to get
to the saucer edge).
*frown, mutter, think*
Let me approach this from a different perspective...
The cockpit appears to be 8 wide (some have said six and that has to be too
small) and tapers to 4 so it must be about 8 long. The saucer appears to
be about 6 cockpits wide. The minimum length and width of the cockpit is
6 studs, so the minimum diameter of the saucer is approximately 6x that,
or 36. I think the cockpit is 8 studs wide and 8 studs long, and 6x that is
48 studs.
I've now convinced myself that the diameter of the saucer is 48 studs, or
two 6x24's. I think the length from mandible tip to leading edge of the
saucer section is another 24 studs, yielding a model that's 72 studs long,
48 studs wide and about 12-16 studs high. Add another 8-10 to the width
if you want to include the cockpit.
> If it
> was 19 studs long I guess the saucer would be 24 studs wide(is that the size of
> one of the UFO body pieces?).
Um, there are two diameters of saucer sections. The smaller diameter is 20 studs.
And that is _small_. The larger diameter ones are much larger, like twice as big.
I don't have any so I can't say for sure.
> Of course, looking at these dimensions I came up with it wouldn't be that much
> bigger the x-wing. So I am probably wrong. Anyone else have any impressions of
> its size?
It's either the same size or closer to 3x as big.
I wonder, what does everyone think of _my_ guess? I'm putting the model at about
81 feet long, scale, 65 feet wide including cockpit and about 14 feet high. Or,
24.6m x 19.8m x 4.2m. Or, if you jumped to the end of my rambling,
72 studs x 58 studs x 12 studs. I use 5.3 studs to be 6 feet, according to
Ex post facto, I look and see that these measurements are surprisingly close to
the actual size of the ship...
Matthew Julius o_o
( _ ) ( | | )
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: New Star Wars Stuff
| (...) The minifig under the lightsaber appears to be Han Solo. I'm really amazed by these sets, even with the small size of the pictures. <speculation> The Falcon seems pretty hefty. The front mandibles look to be the new x-wing style wings with (...) (25 years ago, 7-Oct-99, to lugnet.starwars)
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