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 Star Wars / 3724
3723  |  3725
Re: New Star Wars Stuff
Thu, 7 Oct 1999 16:12:48 GMT
844 times
In lugnet.starwars, Eric Joslin writes:
In lugnet.starwars, David Eaton writes:

The WIERD thing is that 2 of vehicles are actually BIGGER than they 'should'
be: the snowspeeder and the speeder bikes...

From what I can tell, the Gungan Sub is *WAY* bigger than it "should" be.

I don't think I would say that.  The Gungan Sub is terribly misconfigured as to
the version in the Movie which had all 3 characters in one compartment with 2
"Cargo compartments" on either side.  I personally think that this model was
the 2nd worst of all the models next to the Infiltrator.  Don't get me wrong
however, both sets are great for parts and still better than most sets TLG has
been putting out lately.

I think one of the problems with the EP1 vehicles is that they are very "sleek"
and "organic" compared to the classic vehicles.  These shapes and curves are
much harder to model in LEGO than the more rough and hard lines of the classic

Eric K.

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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Star Wars Stuff
(...) While that is of course true, it still looks ousized to me. If you take a standard minifig as being ~6 feet tall, and look at how big the model is, and compare it to the sketches in the Episode One Amazing Cut-Aways book... it's huge. Roughly (...) (25 years ago, 7-Oct-99, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Star Wars Stuff
(...) From what I can tell, the Gungan Sub is *WAY* bigger than it "should" be. eric (25 years ago, 7-Oct-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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