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 Star Wars / 3712
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Re: New Star Wars Stuff
Thu, 7 Oct 1999 14:02:24 GMT
638 times
Paul Mison wrote:

Kya Morden wrote:

In case you missed it on RTL you can find a picture of a new
flyer/catalogue at which

[added lugnet.starwars] And Lego's Millennium Falcon, albeit in shadow.
And who is it underneath Luke's lightsabre? Uncle Owen? There don't seem
to be any new E1 sets, as rumoured.

:: paul

The minifig under the lightsaber appears to be Han Solo.  I'm really amazed by
sets, even with the small size of the pictures.
The Falcon seems pretty hefty.  The front mandibles look to be the new x-wing
style wings with about two rows of bricks inbetween.  That would make the front
flat surface of the mandibles three studs each, with what looks to be 6 studs
inbetween.  That would make the frontmost portion of the falcon 12 studs wide.
It looks like there are two sets of these wings in a line to make up the front
angle of the falcon.  THis could make the length to the center of the saucer
section anywhere from 19 to 24 studs depending if the overlap the plates.  If it
was 19 studs long I guess the saucer would be 24 studs wide(is that the size of
one of the UFO body pieces?).
Of course, looking at these dimensions I came up with it wouldn't be that much
bigger the x-wing.  So I am probably wrong.  Anyone else have any impressions of
its size?

I should get back to work now

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: New Star Wars Stuff
(...) I wouldn't say that. If TLG was to produce the Millenium Falcon in it's proper size, it would be a far too large set to sell. (Ok, so I know that a lot of people around here would buy it, but for most kids it would be too large.) LEGO usually (...) (25 years ago, 7-Oct-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: New Star Wars Stuff
(...) That would have been an unforgivable error were it not for the fact I like Lego more than Star Wars. Whoops. Maybe I should go back to lurking here and dreaming of grey bricks.... (...) same here :: paul (25 years ago, 7-Oct-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: New Star Wars Stuff
Christopher Tracey <> wrote in message (...) by (...) x-wing (...) front (...) studs (...) wide. (...) front (...) If it (...) of (...) much (...) impressions of (...) More speculation: Where's the (...) (25 years ago, 7-Oct-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: New Star Wars Stuff
(...) Even heftier than you think unless I've missed my guess. (...) Okay, lacking other evidence I'll agree with you there. (...) It's 8 studs I think. If you take either mandible tip to be 3 studs wide then the depth of the cutout between them is (...) (25 years ago, 8-Oct-99, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Star Wars Stuff
(...) [added lugnet.starwars] And Lego's Millennium Falcon, albeit in shadow. And who is it underneath Luke's lightsabre? Uncle Owen? There don't seem to be any new E1 sets, as rumoured. :: paul (25 years ago, 7-Oct-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.starwars)

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