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Re: Droid Escape parts useful for Castle
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 05:25:01 GMT
33 times
Heather Patty wrote:

In lugnet.castle, Frank Filz writes:
Heather Patey wrote:

A large round door that swings open:

Cool! Crossposting to .space just in case no one over there has tried
this out, that would make a perfect large hatch in a space ship. Too bad
the only choices for wall (that I'm aware of) are red and black, though
using SNOT techniques you could do white, yellow, brown, and grey (have
I missed any?).

There are inverse arches in brown in <set:6442> and in grey in <set:6560>.
Divers are useful for something after all.

Oops, that's what I get for not actually looking in my bag of inverse
half arches... I am right in that there are red half arches right? (I
don't have any in my bags but I feel like I've seen them).

There are tan inverse arches in
<set:5958>, but no upright ones as far as I know.

Yea, I rejected these, but should have entered them in the SNOT category
- well, actually, they won't quite work unless you want to file the
studs off...

There is a brown 1x2 beam in
<set:7111>, two or three of which could be rigged to substitute for the 1x4
beam behind each tile.  The tiles are just to hide the beam holes and pins, so
any other disguide idea would work fine.

I didn't try and deal with the other parts. I'm sure there are alternate
ways to set up the hinge. I don't think any of the parts necessary for
the circle itself are missing in any of the possible colors.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Droid Escape parts useful for Castle
(...) Yep, <set:6097> has 6 IIRC. -Shiri (24 years ago, 29-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Droid Escape parts useful for Castle
(...) There are inverse arches in brown in <set:6442> and in grey in <set:6560>. Divers are useful for something after all. There are tan inverse arches in <set:5958>, but no upright ones as far as I know. There is a brown 1x2 beam in <set:7111>, (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle,,

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