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 Castle / 7563
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Re: Droid Escape parts useful for Castle
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 05:16:45 GMT
898 times
Brad Hamilton wrote:
Irrespective of the theme, this set is an excellent parts pack for a cheap

Yea, that probably partially explains why I didn't score any during
K-Mart's BOGO 50% sale this week (though judging by what other sets
weren't on the shelves either, I suspect some non FOL collectors or
folks looking for a quick buck from some suckers on eBay).

And if you're reading this, and happen to be in the RTP area of NC, and
I haven't met you, and you just bought lots of those sets for the same
reason I wanted to buy lots of them, well, get your virtual bod over to and let us know you're a FOL also!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Droid Escape parts useful for Castle
I bought 8 copies of that set JUST for the white curved panels. I BRASSO'd them and used them for curved walls in a town building. (URL) ) I didn't think I'd use the gray ones, but I ended up slapping them on another wall. To me (more a town person (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle,,

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