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Re: Mechanical pneumatic piston
Sat, 11 Oct 2003 01:49:43 GMT
2113 times
At 10:26 AM 10/10/2003, Kevin Clague uttered the following:
The problem is that you would need a mold for each unique part that is
cut.  If
the number of rotations/divided by the length does not give you length that is
repeatable using quarter turns you need more than one mold.  This is *not*
(very expensive), plus from a part sorting perspective, I'd need more than one
drawer for worm gears :^)

I'm not sure my brain can wrap itself around that, but I'll keep trying. In
the meantime, I'll take your word for it that it won't work. :)

Sometimes you LUGNET fellows are a little over my head (Steve Baker
especially), but that's a good thing. Gives me something to strive for. :)

I'm sure that LEGO put a lot of thought into the worm gear before they
made the mold.

Yes, like everything else they've built. I mean that sincerely, not
sarcastically. Some of the stuff they produce amazes me. I'm beginning to
reform my [rather strong] opinions of LEGO as a company.

One interesting question is, can you stack up enough worm gears so that the
slack adds up to an integer multiple of 1/2 stud distances. This might be
a good
thing for this linear screw actuator. I'll have to check that out when I get

Yes, but you need at least 6 of them to make enough room for an old-style
14t bevel. I put four together (all I have) and it was not quite enough.

Very interesting discussion.

Yes! One of the reasons I'm subscribed to so many newsgroups - great


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Mechanical pneumatic piston
(...) I overspeaketh...... Let me try again. The gear has to be an integer multiple of 1/4 turns because the the gear can fit on an axle four different ways. If it is more or less than 1/4 turns (1/3), then things won't line up when you butt them up (...) (21 years ago, 11-Oct-03, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mechanical pneumatic piston
(...) The problem is that you would need a mold for each unique part that is cut. If the number of rotations/divided by the length does not give you length that is repeatable using quarter turns you need more than one mold. This is *not* good (very (...) (21 years ago, 10-Oct-03, to lugnet.robotics)

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