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Re: MOC commercial for a space travel agency
Fri, 2 Feb 2001 14:13:09 GMT
13 times
In lugnet.publish.cinema, Joel Kuester writes:
In lugnet.publish.cinema, Joel Jacobsen writes:

That was great!


The only thing that I found odd, was that the sound was a bit low.. I had to
turn the speakers up all the way to get decent sound. might just be my
system, though.

that's interesting... did anyone else have this problem???

I thought the sound was very clear and it was loud enough without adjustment
for me.

I had the sound set about 60% of max... it shouldn't have been as low as you
experienced.  I only had to turn it up a little to get it loud enough to
hear down the hall.

A studio question for you (or anyone with Lego Studio) - how does it do on
single still shots? I thought, at first, that it was a digital camera, but I
read the box more closely and saw it's really just a webcam. What's the max
resolution that it will do, and how good is it at taking pictures from
several feet away rather than up close? Do you have any examples of single
still shots? I'm trying to justify whether or not I want to save up to get
one or put the money towards an actual digital camera. I'm sure a 'real'
digital camera will be better, but I wonder if this will do what need or • not...

if you want anything, and I stress *anything* better than what you have seen
in my and other people's Studio MPEGs... than you want to go get a real
digital camera. The Lego Studio camera is rather run of the mill.  The most
annoying thing (to me at least) is that the software allows for no options
in saving and exporting.  You only get the resolution and size that you saw
my commercial was made in.  does that help?

I agree that more saving/export options are needed.  This is my wishlist, in
priority order, for improvements to the LEGO Studios:

Higher resolution saving of films/diiferent format exports
Ability to choose 640x480 resolution at least for stop motion animations
Editing capability for recorded sounds (splitting of sounds/truncating of sound
I've recorded)

Thomas Main

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MOC commercial for a space travel agency
(...) sound (...) Everyone who wants options added to the Lego Studio software should do what I did. I wrote the tech support email with a list and I called the following number and talked with a really nice lady about the set. 1-800-838-9647 Ed (24 years ago, 2-Feb-01, to lugnet.animation)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOC commercial for a space travel agency
(...) thanks! snip (...) that's interesting... did anyone else have this problem??? I had the sound set about 60% of max... it shouldn't have been as low as you experienced. I only had to turn it up a little to get it loud enough to hear down the (...) (24 years ago, 1-Feb-01, to lugnet.animation)

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