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Re: McDonalds Info
Sun, 31 Oct 1999 01:05:31 GMT
51 times
Todd Lehman wrote in message <>...

[ ... snipped ... ]

Is that a new kind of pink then?  There've been two kinds of light pinks --
but in 1994/1995, TLG phased out the original on that appeared in Paradisa.

Is the McD's pink different from the Belville pink/mauve?


Can't speak for Bellvile but the pink is definitely different than the
Paradisa pink.  The McD's right near my house (the same one where the
manager told me they would have the LEGO sets Monday or Tuesday) had the
whole display up today including the model of Ronald McDonald.

They had all eight sets on display.  First - the slopes on the Grimace car
are definitely purple.  It was placed right next the the one with the blue
plates (can't remember which number it is).  The pink one appears to have
three 2x8 pink plates and 1 4x4 pink plate.

The Ronald McDonald model is pretty neat.  I am not sure what someone would
do with it but it has a lot plates, particularly in the head.  There was a
sign stating that one could register to win the model but no box or entry
forms to do so.  There was a box and forms to win the LEGO for a lifetime

This McDonald's only had set #2.  Between #1 and #2, I like #1 better as it
has 1xN plates which I never seem to have enough of.

Mike -

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: McDonalds Info
you supposedly have to be 12 or under to win - my wife informed me, sadly.... :( Gene W (25 years ago, 31-Oct-99, to lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: McDonalds Info
(...) Is that a new kind of pink then? There've been two kinds of light pinks -- but in 1994/1995, TLG phased out the original on that appeared in Paradisa. Is the McD's pink different from the Belville pink/mauve? --Todd (25 years ago, 30-Oct-99, to lugnet.general,

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