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 Organizations / United States / GardenSLUG / 388
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Re: GardenSLUG Successful at the Greenhouse
Fri, 13 Jun 2003 00:46:25 GMT
2349 times
In, Andrew Bulthaupt wrote:
   Just a suggestion, what if, instead of doing a train setup you do a monorail setup that ties with the moonbase theme, like with the old space sets and the Unitron Monorail. Obviously both could be done, but I really enjoy the monorail look. Two Cents from a Jersey person yet to go to a meeting, -Andrew B.

Welcome Andrew!
Just wanted to add in my pennies to the brainstorming well. (This was already seen by Andrew via email-no I’m not talking in the third person.)

I personally like the look of the monorail trams/cars better than train ones. I know there has been discussion of implementing monorail track into the Moonbase but I haven’t followed it nor do I know if that will be addressed at Brickfest. You actually might be able to do a search in .space under monorail but I don’t remember seeing anything recently. Developing the Unitron model into a “masstransit” company would allow an official model to make its way into the system.

-Andrew S.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: GardenSLUG Successful at the Greenhouse
(...) Hey guys, I like the monorail idea to, but those sets are hard to come by these days. Anybody have any they can add? But there is plenty of room there for both trains and a moonbase, why limit ourselves? -Tim (22 years ago, 13-Jun-03, to, FTX)

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  Re: GardenSLUG Successful at the Greenhouse
Just a suggestion, what if, instead of doing a train setup you do a monorail setup that ties with the moonbase theme, like with the old space sets and the Unitron Monorail. Obviously both could be done, but I really enjoy the monorail look. Two (...) (22 years ago, 12-Jun-03, to

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