Re: Lego Bionicle in legal problems.
Wed, 10 Oct 2001 16:36:19 GMT
790 times
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In, Kai Brodersen writes:
> snip
> > Warning, Progress Report below:
> >
> > Oh and as a side-note, rtlToronto is at 2502 posts.
> > WoW, and to think, NELUG and MichLUG were once competition!
> > (Were 153 over MichLUG, our nearest rival)
> > Our group is soooooooo powerful now. All Lego fans in the general area now
> > cant help but gravitate towards our all-encompassing mass! I told you in
> > the beginning that our share of the map should have been all Ontario, not
> > just the southern Ontario area.
> You wish MichLug is still the best no matter how many posts we have :P
> We shall beat you all in the up coming months !
that isn't a nice thing to say, for someone with honorable membership at
rtlToronto, (your participation in Train2 guaranteed membership!!)
But, you are entitled to think that MICHLUG is better....
but you also are forgetting about the Robotic events, the BrickWarz game(s),
and (hopefully) Train3.
Benjamin Medinets
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Lego Bionicle in legal problems.
| (...) I don't think a discussion of which club is "better" than another, or which newsgroup has more posts for that matter, is useful or likely to help either club (or any other that may want to draw from club experiences) become even better in the (...) (23 years ago, 10-Oct-01, to
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