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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 1660
1659  |  1661
Re: Just 100 posts away… (Roll Call?)
Mon, 9 Jul 2001 23:12:23 GMT
693 times
(Lots and Lots and Lots of quantity, ubiquitous post about nothin’)
Remember rtlToronto, once we gain top spot on the Organization
news-board we can finally Take Over the World…     ;)

On a completely different note, can we do another ‘roll call’
It been almost a year since the last, and our past ‘roll call’ was back in
.loc.on.tor! This time the roll call will be more specifically related to
rtlToronto. It will help bring the grope closer together…

<Insanity On>

That, and we’ll certainly score a whole bunch of more posts that will give
us the edge needed to fulfill our destiny. COME WITH ME MY FRIENDS,
we must be ever vigilant in our struggle to overthrow the oppressors
to the south! “release the dogs of war…”

(This is what happens when you leave the ‘Insanity’ button –ON- for too long.)


        You can reach me  @

.                                                     -Lego good, Canada great-®

             O.K. I've made my point… no more post from Richard for a while.


             This ‘roll call’ thing is still a good idea!

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Just 100 posts away… (Roll Call?)
(...) Hey Richard, I thought that way too, especially after we had those 10 message average nights....especially after all the train events, I'm sure the message (news posting) rate will go up in August just before Train2 with last minute additions, (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jul-01, to
  Roll Call
I'll start things off.... Name: Benjamin Medinets Lugnet #: 817 <---- Ok so I took my time sending my registration $$$ in.... Address: See my lugnet member page for my snail mail address City: St. Catharines, Ontario Notes: have no rcx, :( but have (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jul-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Just 100 posts away…
------ (...) ------ ~~Please just disregard my past post.~~ **Remember… THIS ‘IS’ A CONTEST!!!...!!! We are close. We can WIN, and take TOP spot in the ‘.organizations’ news-section! (...) [[[...[[[This is a LIE!]]]...]]] WE WANT (...) (24 years ago, 9-Jul-01, to

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