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Re: Here's looking at Euclid
Tue, 1 Aug 2000 18:36:28 GMT
332 times
In, Matthew Miller writes:
David Eaton <> wrote:
Anyway, sorry to bore the non-math types, but assuming that you mean distance
along the circumference, yes, you can. (But if you don't know if it's the
minimal or maximal distance between the points, you may get two answers-- • note
above I assumed minimal distance)

You sure about that? Let's say I have a basketball and a baseball. I use a
bit of string to make two dots one inch apart on both of them. Are the two
balls now the same size?

Well, I'm assuming that we know the coordinates of the two points-- in which
case, you'll get slightly different results on the baseball and the
basketball... Using the 1 inch string on the basketball will create two points
which are further apart (in actual space, not along the circumference) than
when you use the string on the baseball... However, after looking at what he's
asking, that's not at all what he meant. I'm looking at it in a completely
math oriented world where we know x1,y1,x2,y2, and the minimal distance along
the circumference of the circle L between the two points. Hence, we actually
can calculate the "real" distance between the two points completely without L.
The distance between the points is easily calculatable with just x1,y1,x2, and


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Here's looking at Euclid
Anyway, I'm assuming you know BOTH the distance between the two points (D), AND the distance along the circumference (L)... I just did it again to be totally geeky, without assuming knowledge of x1,y1 and x2,y2: In the equasion: (...) (25 years ago, 1-Aug-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Here's looking at Euclid
(...) You sure about that? Let's say I have a basketball and a baseball. I use a bit of string to make two dots one inch apart on both of them. Are the two balls now the same size? (25 years ago, 1-Aug-00, to

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