Re: Calling it Quits
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 06:22:51 GMT
388 times
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OOOh can i spot it?
I feel its time to let
Those who feel they
Have the need or the
Interest to
Sometimes its just too easy
Especially at this time of year
Thanks for the laugh
Had some fun
And now I'm running out of things to write
This is really getting frustrating to complete
Ahh bugger're a few weeks early..
In, Bryan Beckwith writes:
> Never have I been so happy to see someone leave.
> I can't say that I really know you, but I've seen enough.
> Childish enough to throw away all your toys?
> Everyone knows you will come crawling back here.
> Just make sure you stay away for as long as possible.
> Or at least until everyone forgets what a loser you are.
> Keep your "muffin head" away from here.
> Each day you are here is worse than the previous one.
> Bryan Beckwith
> P.S. Before people get too upset about these posts, make sure you look at
> them carefully :-)
> "Mark Sandlin" <> wrote in message
> > After much consideration, I've decided to call it quits.
> > Perhaps it's just old age, or maybe I'm just losing interest.
> > Regardless, I've decided to sell off my collection.
> > I really want to thank everyone for all their support.
> > LEGO has brought me much happiness, but I think it's time to move on.
> >
> > For Todd and Suzanne, I have the utmost respect.
> > Of all the places, for LEGO fans, LUGNet truly has no equal.
> > Of all the places on the net, LUGNet has been my favorite.
> > Let's take a moment to thank Todd & Suz for their efforts.
> > So in closure, I'd like to thank everyone and wish you all the best of luck.
> >
> > ~Grand Admiral Muffin Head
> > --
> > Mark's Lego(R) Creations
> >
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Calling it Quits
| Never have I been so happy to see someone leave. I can't say that I really know you, but I've seen enough. Childish enough to throw away all your toys? Everyone knows you will come crawling back here. Just make sure you stay away for as long as (...) (24 years ago, 26-Mar-01, to
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