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 Off-Topic / Debate / 23655
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Clearly those Canadians are concerned about censorship...
Tue, 6 Apr 2004 16:23:29 GMT
134 times

Those crazy canucks!

Go Alanis go!  The Juno's happened a while back, and Alanis appears on stage in
this 'nude suit' and yet no furor, no legislation, no yippy "too much time on
their hands" members of parliament talking about passing censorship laws.

And yet Janet's boob... the fallout still continues.

Seriously, what is happening to you, USA?  You used to be so cool.  Now you're
just an old prude with too much time to meddle into every little thing.

Eh, whatever.

Dave K
-yes this is one of those 'Canadians are da bomb!' posts, but, well, we are.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Clearly those Canadians are concerned about censorship...
(...) Yawn. She protests protests over nudity by pretending to be nude? Wake me when the real protests start. Bland. Boring. Canadian. Zzzzzzz.... ;-) -->Bruce<-- (21 years ago, 6-Apr-04, to

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